Despite that I'm a firearm owner and user, I'm all for strong and restrictive firearms control. Encription however is an entirely different issue.
Not allowing encryption in whatsapp is a bit like gun control.
I've never seen someone, who makes a legitimate use of encription, kill somebody by accident or as a result of a temporary rage. However, it is very easy for a legitimate gun owner to kill somebody by accident or as a result of a temporary rage.
Yeah that's the same argument we had from gun lobbyists in Australia before gun control happened.
Gun lobbyists fail to understand, that gun control dosn't forbide people the use and ownership of firearms, it actually ensures a legitimate use.
Spain has a very restrictive firearms law, and still I own a firearm. Different types of licenses are required according to the type of weapon to be used. Only licensed gun owners are allowed to lawfully acquire, possess, or transfer a firearm or ammunition, and may only have ammunition that is suitable for the intended firearm. Applicants for a gun owner’s license are required to legally prove that they have a genuine reason to possess a firearm—for example, hunting, target shooting, collection, self-defense, or security.
In order to obtain a firearms license, the applicant must:
1) Submit an updated criminal background check and certification of good behavior. Background checks include consideration of domestic violence records.
2) Pass a psycological aptitude test conducted in designated medical facilities, whose physicians send a final report to the competent authorities.
3) Undergo theoretical and practical training and testing to ensure an understanding of firearms safety and applicable legal requirements.
I bet most gun lobbyists will fail all three
Taking away guns doesn't increase gun crime and violence it reduces it, and reduces it dramatically.
I lived in the US before moving to Spain. Americans are not inherently more violent nor more mentally inestable than Spanish. However, the rate of deaths by firearms in Spain is 0.62 per 100,000, in the US is aproximately 17 times higher, the only explanation is easy gun access.