WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR on windows 8.1 on a brand new pc


Sep 7, 2014
My brother built the pc I am on now. He put windows 7 on it and then when he dropped it off i put windows 8.1 on it and since last night i kept getting WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR and a couple of times it rebooted itself without a blue screen or entirely turned itself off and then back on. I noticed when I try to log onto games it freaks out. I've been online for the past few hours with no problems but I've not tried to log back into WoW or any other game. I've scanned the system 3 different times with 3 diff ways and checked the memory and it's found nothing. Windows 8 is on a 3TB drive and he insists that windows 7 wouldn't regonize anything past a 2TB HD. I hate to have my HD chopped up into 6-8 sections >_<
it could be a psu problem as well, just enter "windows update" and check for updates, if any available, try downlaoding them and check if it works, if it goes crazy when entering a game it should be a hardware issue...