Whea_Uncorrectable_Error + Other BSODs and Random Freezing


Mar 9, 2016
My Build: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/jTRtcf
So this problem has been happening for about year, I haven't done anything because it used to be only once a month, it has now continually gotten worse and now happens every day. I get multiple different BSODs and sometimes my computer hard freezes and requires a reset. I've already tried updating BIOS and trying new RAM.
Fresh install probably safest bet provided you have back ups.

You could try resetting the PC using Recovery (found in settings>Update & Security) amd choosing to keep your files if you cannot make a back up. It essentially reinstalls windows again, and keeps your files. You need to reinstall applications though.
Fresh install probably safest bet provided you have back ups.

You could try resetting the PC using Recovery (found in settings>Update & Security) amd choosing to keep your files if you cannot make a back up. It essentially reinstalls windows again, and keeps your files. You need to reinstall applications though.
Check the smart status of your hard drives. Disconnect any CD Drives and see if the problem goes. Obviously do one at a time. My Whea problem turned out to be a cheap network card, removed it and problem vanished.