
Mar 3, 2014
I am running a i7-5930k. Right now I'm sitting at a stable 4.6Ghz. I have a Swifttech h220-x cooling my cpu, so heat isn't the issue. My goal is 4.8Ghz and I'm unable to do this because of the numerous blue screen errors I get when I load into windows after overclocking. I have my voltage set at 1.4v. My power supply is a Corsair Rm1000. I believe the power supply may be the problem because I also have issues when trying to overclock my gpu. However, this is my first build so I may be making an amateur mistake.

Rampage V Extreme
Titan X
Corsair Rm1000
Corsair 16gb Ram
that error means something has crashed (hardware error) so your cpu might not be able to get to 4.8Ghz. I wanted 4.6-4.8Ghz on my 4690K but I can just maintain stability at 4.4Ghz so I left it like that. you may just have to stick with the speed you have now.
also the titanx from what I hear has locked OV meaning you wont be able to overclock it very far at all.
your power supply also seems pretty good but keep an eye on it
that error means something has crashed (hardware error) so your cpu might not be able to get to 4.8Ghz. I wanted 4.6-4.8Ghz on my 4690K but I can just maintain stability at 4.4Ghz so I left it like that. you may just have to stick with the speed you have now.
also the titanx from what I hear has locked OV meaning you wont be able to overclock it very far at all.
your power supply also seems pretty good but keep an eye on it