When are we going to see some sales on decent laptops?

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Jan 4, 2013
Hard to pull the trigger when i saw decent specs for $750-800 and now they are all back upwards of a $1,000.
With AMD's new chip out does anyone think this is going to bring down laptop prices as well?
Or is it just a cyclical thing where you need to have your choices ready and jump when a sale comes up?
I don't follow this stuff often, but now that i'm in the market for a good photo/video editing lappie i am seeing things change pretty fast...
Started out looking at the Gigabyte P15 on newegg for 750, i stalled a little too long and now it's gone! https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834233183
So now i look for same specs in the Y700, dell 7559, GL62, etc. and they are still up there a few bucks from where i want to be.
I can wait a while, has me wondering what you guys think,, be patient?
New AMD APUs based on the Zen architecture (Ryzen CPUs) are not expected to be made available to system builders until the 2nd half of 2017.
Question from cbay : "Pulled the trigger, did i do ok?"

Needed a good laptop for photo/video editing and looked at a bunch of them. Didn't want to wait all year for a deal to pop up. Plus it seems like everytime i saw a better price there were variants on the model such as 8gb(2x4), no ssd, ddr3, etc, etc.
Lenovo Y700, 17.3 inch, i7 6700, gtx 960, 128 ssd, 1 TB hdd, 16gb ram ddr4. for $1097 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834332107
I knew i wanted a quad 6700, 16gb ram, ssd, hdd, and decided on the 17.3 inch screen.
Most of these were $1250-1400. Then newegg had the sale which seemed pretty good since it was spec'd out the way i wanted and wouldn't have to throw money at it to get it the way i wanted and end up at the same price.
Tried looking for price history but with the same specs it didn't seem to be sold for much less but could be wrong. I suppose now i've already purchased i should be more concerned with how well it will serve me. lol
Did i do ok though?
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