WHEN CPU WILL BE CHEAPER? i5-6500 or i5-6600?


Jan 1, 2017
Hi homies,

can u tell me when cpu's will be cheaper? I'm want to buy i5-6500/i5-6600 (because of no money xd) and I can't wait anymore :D Should I buy i5-6600 or wait (max 1 week) for sales?

Hope somebdy help me :)
Generally CPUs dont get reduced in the short term and the prices stay fairly stable in US dollars. Local currency exchange rate affect local prices as seen when the UK pound plummeted against the dollar and the i5 6600 increased by £20. Currently priced at £219 and I bought when it was £209. Just get it now and start playing
Waiting is entirely up to you. You can also use sites like PCPartPicker.com and set up price notifications, so if a CPU hits or goes below your designated price point, you'll be informed. This can require some patience however.

However, since there is no guarantee on a sale price, one may be here today for just a few hours, or it could last weeks, it can always be a craps-shoot on prices. Therefore, if you see it today at a price point you can afford. Go for it, because there's no guarantee it will be still that affordable tomorrow.
Generally CPUs dont get reduced in the short term and the prices stay fairly stable in US dollars. Local currency exchange rate affect local prices as seen when the UK pound plummeted against the dollar and the i5 6600 increased by £20. Currently priced at £219 and I bought when it was £209. Just get it now and start playing