When does it become insufficient?


Feb 1, 2009
Hey all,

I was considering upgrading my 9800GT to a 285GTX but i have a concern with my 550 watt PSU. If I upgrade to a 285, will the PSU be able to put out? What if I go SLI w/ 285GTX?

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182030 = my psu

What I am most concerned about is, what is the "upgrade life-span" of this sort of PSU? In other words, more power consuming video cards, processors, RAM, etc... are pushed out every year. Every year, these top-of-the-line parts require more power from the PSU. Ultimately, at what given time period do you think a 550w PSU will become obsolete/inadequate and unable to support the PC composed of these power-hungry computer parts?

thanks for your feedback,


P.S. I was not sure if this was the right category for a question like this so feel free to move it =)


Jun 7, 2009
Just use a PSU calculator and find out approximately how much power you really need.

Personally, I don't think your Rosewill will handle it.
Good question. Most people here buy their psus as somewhat overpowered. But are they really? If you intend to keep your psu for upgrades, and its diminishment over time, as aging of caps etc give lower power returns over time, its important to recognize where your psu fits in all this.
It used to be anything up to 400 watts was efficient for most rigs. Then, a good 500+ watter was ok, not that 550 youre sporting is considered for mid level enthusiast/gamer spec, barely touching the highend, where its common to have 600+ watts on up.
So, currently, Id rate it as mid level ability, with a chance at highend, depending on setup