When I connect my computer to my phone it works, but when I try and connect to my WiFi it won’t connect.


Feb 12, 2018
Hey all, so when I try and connect my phone to my WiFi it doesn’t work for my desktop but it does for my laptop, but when I use my phones hotspot it works as it should. I use a netgear usb wireless adapter and windows 10, it’s been uninstalled reinstalled updated you name it I’ve done it I’ve been trying to troubleshoot for hours but I’ve came up empty, and it was working fine last night but now it doesn’t want to work, please help
Most routers will have a series of tabs across the top or the side. Look for one that says WiFi. It might also be a subsection of one called LAN or Home Network. In the WiFi section, look for a setting called Channel. It might be set to auto. Pick a channel like 6 for 2.4 GHz and 48 or 153 for 5GHz (if it has it).
WiFi worked last night, but today it doesn't. Something changed or something broke. Did anything change? Did anyone log into the WiFi router/AP and change a setting? Did you move the computer? Any new stuff in the house that could interfere?

When you say it doesn't work, do you mean you can't see the network or you can see the network, but not connect? Does it give any error message?

Nothing new nor has nothing changed, I’m really the only one in the house that uses a computer often. I can see the network but it won’t connect to it it says “Can’t connect to this network”
That is an error I have seen before. Unfortunately there is not just one fix. For some rebooting the router/AP will fix this. In another case turning the WiFi off and then on again (on the router/AP) did the trick. In one case, those didn't work and I had to change the channel number to get a connection.

If you google search "Can’t connect to this network" you will see you are far from alone.

How would I change the channel number and or reboot the router or should I just have my internet provider come and do that for me.
Do you know how to log into your router? If so, there should be a tab or section that is labeled WiFi. This is where you would make changes to how your WiFi works. If you have the model number, google search the model number and user manual and that should give instructions about logging in.

The easiest way to restart the router is to unplug it for 20 seconds. Some routers will also have have a reboot screen when you log in. Look for a tab that says Maintenance or Diagnosistics or something similar.

So I tried accessing the router but my internet provider made their own password and username and won’t give me the password or username so is there a way I can bypass that? Or do I have to demand the credentials

Ok so I got into my router, now what do I do

Most routers will have a series of tabs across the top or the side. Look for one that says WiFi. It might also be a subsection of one called LAN or Home Network. In the WiFi section, look for a setting called Channel. It might be set to auto. Pick a channel like 6 for 2.4 GHz and 48 or 153 for 5GHz (if it has it).