When I first boot my pc and save the os to the ssd will only the os go there? Or will Program files (x86) etc go there too?

Detevtive Marvel

Jan 16, 2016
I'm bulding a pc soon (first time) when I first load it and windows ask 'Where do you want to save Windows?' If I pcik the SSD will all files like Nvidia, Program files go there as well? Or do they go to the normal hdd by deafult? If not what do I do to achieve this?

1. What size SSD are you getting?

2. By default, everything gets installed on the C drive.
Almost ALL current applications give you the opportunity to choose what drive it gets installed on. Most, however, you do want on the C drive.

Some things, though, it doesn't really matter. You can make those go elsewhere. See this:
Win 7 & 8: http://www.tomshardware.com/faq/id-1834397/ssd-redirecting-static-files.html
Win 8.1 & 10: http://www.tomshardware.com/faq/id-2024314/windows-redirecting-folders-drives.html
1. What size SSD are you getting?

2. By default, everything gets installed on the C drive.
Almost ALL current applications give you the opportunity to choose what drive it gets installed on. Most, however, you do want on the C drive.

Some things, though, it doesn't really matter. You can make those go elsewhere. See this:
Win 7 & 8: http://www.tomshardware.com/faq/id-1834397/ssd-redirecting-static-files.html
Win 8.1 & 10: http://www.tomshardware.com/faq/id-2024314/windows-redirecting-folders-drives.html
Core windows files, drivers and the Program Files folder will be created on the SSD but you can install everything else on you HDD after that if you're trying to save space on the SSD for something else.

120gb ssd

I won't only 1 or 2 games that take a while like Skyrim or TF2