when i start my pc it cant start with gpu resolution is 800*600 and after restart it will ok with gpu my gpu is gaiward nvidi

Rahul Nemade

Aug 7, 2014
when i start my pc it cant start with gpu resolution is 800*600 and after restart it will ok with gpu
my gpu is gaiward nvidia 610 core2d. with d945 motherbrd
need help urgnt plz
starte time gpu cant work
every time starting time this problem occur

I think he means that the pc turns on with the graphics card disabled and he knows this because the resolution is low, but when he restarts the computer the problem is fixed. The thing is, is that this happens again after he shuts it down and turns it on manually and needs to restart.

I think he means that the pc turns on with the graphics card disabled and he knows this because the resolution is low, but when he restarts the computer the problem is fixed. The thing is, is that this happens again after he shuts it down and turns it on manually and needs to restart.