When I try to install any windows version it goes to BSOD

Blue Slime

May 14, 2017
So this happened to me before but it worked last time where I just reinstalled windows 10 then it happened again 2 days ago and I kept trying and still did not work so now what do I do?
i5 6500
Msi Z170M motar
2 sticls of 8gb of ram from corsair 2400hz
600W by evga 80 bronze
Gigabyte gtx 1060 3gb
1 TB hard drive.
What BSOD are you getting? there are 255 codes so helps to be more specific

most of time I find if windows won't install the blame is ram - try testing each stick with memtest86, it creates a bootable USB so no need for windows to run it. Any errors are too many and will be cause of bsod, need to remove/replace ram
What BSOD are you getting? there are 255 codes so helps to be more specific

most of time I find if windows won't install the blame is ram - try testing each stick with memtest86, it creates a bootable USB so no need for windows to run it. Any errors are too many and will be cause of bsod, need to remove/replace ram