When trying to connect to Wi-Fi on my laptop the laptop changed the network name and password

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Apr 16, 2017
So a while back I as trying to connect My laptop to my Wi-Fi network. It was being really slow and all of the sudden a new network was there and my other one had disappeared. The laptops "name" is kv-laptop and the new Wi-Fi network was called KV-LAPTOP-PC_Network. From then the Wi-Fi has Had problems and its really annoying just wondering how this may have happened and what I can do about it?
Are you connected by ethernet cable or only wireless?

Does the wireless work at all - can other devices connect to the wireless network? Are the connected to the new network or old one?

Have you plugged a computer into the router to check the settings? May not be broadcasting the network SSID.

Sounds like the PC may have Ad Hoc Network sharing on.
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