Where and how to get certified/what to take? (in compTIA, etc. 19y/o little job experience. I need help.)


Mar 17, 2016
I don't have money for college. I do want a job in IT. I'm not sure what. I've had experience doing contracting work, where I'm working with hardware. I would like something more office based.

I enjoy finding a problem and fixing it.

I don't know where to start when it comes to certifications.
Is it good to get it online or in person?
I have had trouble in the pass learning online while I was home schooled. If i could find a place that could teach me in person, that'd be great. I have no idea where to start.

I'm in the chicago area. I'm not sure what classes to go to. What areas to train in. What are the best options, etc.

I'm 19, not in college. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life. If someone could help me out, it'd be well appreciated.
If you are looking for at least some basic certifications to get your feet wet, A+ certifications can be had at some community colleges for a reasonable fee. In the long game, some sort of degree even a 2yr sheep skin backed with work experience will go a lot further. Its not really what the degree is in, more that it shows a certain level of dedication.
If you are looking for at least some basic certifications to get your feet wet, A+ certifications can be had at some community colleges for a reasonable fee. In the long game, some sort of degree even a 2yr sheep skin backed with work experience will go a lot further. Its not really what the degree is in, more that it shows a certain level of dedication.
Start making weird youtube videos views equals to money,if you have good skills start making video games and selling them,,,or probably mcdonalds always open everywhere.
Most people recommend getting A+ certification. There are a few ways to do it there are college classes (not a degree) to prepare you for the test. Also there are books you can buy to prepare you. These books sometimes range from 800 to 1300 pages and ae a lot to take in.

I just finished reading Mike Meyers book. The problem I have is it is too much to take it all in and takes too long to read it all. Also I learn from flash cards etc, if I made flashcards from that book I would me making literally thousands of them.