S Super_ Reputable Sep 26, 2015 192 0 4,690 Sep 29, 2015 #1 I'd like it to be a kit but I'm up for the challenge of putting it together.
Robert Cook Expert Ambassador Dec 15, 2014 6,113 0 21,960 Sep 29, 2015 #2 I do not think they make kits for that, soft line yes, but hard line no. pretty much get a pump (or two), a radiator or two, a CPU and or GPU water block, and some tubing (PETG is best). Upvote 0 Downvote
I do not think they make kits for that, soft line yes, but hard line no. pretty much get a pump (or two), a radiator or two, a CPU and or GPU water block, and some tubing (PETG is best).
bignastyid Titan Moderator Jun 19, 2011 33,642 1,676 159,590 Sep 29, 2015 #3 Hard piping is DIY. Upvote 1 Downvote