Where can i buy super thin wire for electronic work?

Thanks. Why does it cost so much? DOes the smaller and less amount of wire mean the cost goes up triple? Because much larger gauge wire tiwh 10x more is cheaper. Also why is it so hard to find small wire? Amazon, Newegg, Radioshack, Best buy, Hobby Lobby, and many other places is impossible to find it 🙁
It might have something to do with the manufacturing, though I can't be sure.

I just thought of another possibly cheaper solution though it may not be 30ga. Get a piece of network cable (Cat5e) and remove the wire. Most Cat5e is 24ga, but the thinner stuff is 26ga.

Very high gauge wire is subject to much more sensitive manufacturing processes; the mass of copper is largely irrelevant, but the mass that is used must be extremely ductile. Premium wrapping wire (which is what is linked) is often insulated with PVDF rather than ETFE which increases cost compared to the more common hobbyist wire in the 22 and 24 gauges; PVDF is more flexible and resistant to environmental factors than ETFE.