Where can I check if my cpu works?

I just put it on the mobo with ram, power, stock cooler, and a gpu but it won't post. I know the power supply works which is the thing that is usually dead. When I turn in my monitor it won't post. Could it be that my ram is the cause? Thanks in advance

No, not likely RAM. A computer with bad RAM will normally still post (unless you have no RAM). There are usually diagnostic lights on the mobo that will tell you what isn't working (depends a bit) or a mobo speaker that will beep with a code. Check the motherboard manual to see where the lights or whatever are located. Might also help others here if you post a detailed list of components (GPU, mobo make and model etc) to narrow down the issue.

Well I returned my mobo to get the asus z170 gaming pro mobo, ordered today. For my components
Cpu- Intel i5-6500
Gpu- MSI gtx 1060
Storage- 2 tb hatchi hdd and planning on getting a 240 or 500 gb ssd most likely from Samsung
Memory- 8 gb(2x4) Kingston hyperx clocked at 2133 I think