Where can I download Ntdetect.com

OK, if you see the first menu I listed, select the option, and next thing you see is the menu you listed above, I think you may have the wrong version of boot cd... Seems like the same mistake I made a while back when I downloaded a second version of UBCD... (first version was OK).. that version was meant to be customized before burning it... So, this may be the case or there is also the possibility the boot sequence has been changed since then. I have not downloaded another version since and instead downloaded the Hiren's Boot CD that seemed (and is) more appropriate and includes more tools than the first UBCD version which booted to a Windows XP enviroment. To give you any more information I'd have to download the version that's built...
Download the file "xpquick" (exe or zip) to build a bootdisk for Windows XP which should work the same for Server 2003. You'll need a 3.5" floppy drive for the .exe and a compression program for the zip file... that's if you just want the ntdetect.com boot sector file, but building the bootdisk from either xpquick file should boot your OS, then copy the files from the floppy to C:\ to rebuild the boot sector.

Download the file from the line that reads:
"XP Quick Boot Diskette xpquick.zip | xpquick.exe | Read.1st"
Thanks for your reply, I tried the XP Quick Boot Diskette, but simply got a blank screen with a bar on the bottom. I changed the Boot.ini using notepad and change the the last line to [operating systems] scsi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows Server 2003" now it gave the option to boot from windows server 2003, but unfortunately yielded a error "Windows could not start because a computer disk hardware configuration problem. Could not read from the selected boot disk hardware.

At this point I don't really care to continue to use this server, I simply want to be able to access the drives to copy some data. Is there a program I can put on a floppy that would allow me to see the drives to be able to access them in maybe in DOS? The Server is a Dell using a 3 SCSI Raid 5 configuration with Windows Server 2003 Thank you for your assistance.

The "disk hardware configuration problem" normally refers to IDE drives and wrong jumper settings... but on SATA drives it could be a HDD going bad or with bad sectors needing a disk check (chkdsk c: /r), bad RAM or lose on the slot.

I don't know of any program that can access the HDD from a floppy disk but any System Rescue CD like the Hiren's Boot CD/USB or UBCD for Windows, and some others of the type can be burned to a CD/DVD and will allow you full access booting in a Windows XP or 7 enviroment where you can recover files from and save them to another internal or USB HDD, Flash drive, burn them to CD, etc. Another option is recovering files from a Linux Live CD.

Hiren's Boot CD

Five best System Rescue Disks
This boot floppy is the only one I've found.. I have looked for one occasioally but noting till now. I don't see how it would be usefull.... but you may know more about using Free-Dos

The All In One Boot Floppy

Most Rescue CD images can be istalled on USB Flash drives or USB hard drives, so that's an optional use for the rescue disks suggested above. The Hiren's Boot CD/USB gives complete information, and provides the program to install the image on USB drive. And if you have a USB adapter you could connect a CD Drive to USB... alterately you could remove the hard drive and connected via USB adapter access it from a PC or Laptop.

SATA/PATA/IDE Drive to USB 2.0 Adapter Converter


And if the server does not have support for booting from USB, installing Plop Boot Manager on a floppy disk provides the support to boot from USB

Boot From a USB Drive Even if your BIOS Won’t Let You
Hi thanks again for you for your assistance. Well i got Plop to boot and it did recognize the USB drive. I get 4 selections:

1. HDA Partition 1 Selection puts me back in Windows Server 2003 loop that reboots.
2. Floppy
3. CDRom selection states TEAC CD ROM CD224E NO MEDIA in DRIVE
4. USB - states Remove disks or other media, Press any key to start which does nothing.

I copied the the Ultimate CDBoot files from the CD to thumb drive but it hangs up.

It may be that I need to open the auto boot in thumb drive and change it using notepad to engage it?

As mentioned earlier I dont really care about this server just want to be able to access drives again to copy some files that were not backed up.

1. Did you follow all the steps given in this page?
2. Did you make or check the USB drive is Active, from the Disk Manager or Partition Managing program?... it has to be Active to boot and I don't see the option to make it Active in the program (USB Disk Storage Format) provided by the Hirens website
3. And do I see that Plop boot manager detected a CD-Rom? If so, is it not in working order?

You can also manually make a USB drive bootable... and once done just copy the Hiren's files to the USB drive.

How to Make a USB Bootable

Or make the USB drive bootable using different programs.

Method 4 of 5: PC Repair Toolkit.. this is the ideal tool for making a bootable USB with Hirens Boot USB

And this program can be used to only add bootable capability to the USB drive you have with Hirens Boot already installed. Just insert the USB drive, open the program, select the USB drive letter, and click on Fix USB Boot.

Windows 8 USB Installer Maker
Hi thanks for your assistance. I used the first option http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd-on-usb-disk, not sure what you meant to make it active but it did boot to the Hirens menu after I selected USB option from the Plop boot manager. However when I select run Hiren from the menu I get
Booting Herins BootCD
Find -- set-root /HBCD menu.lst
Error 15: File not found
Press any key to continue...

I noticed the last step 5 Hiren creating a bootcd-on-usb-disk
Step 5 states Copy grldr and menu.lst from grub4dos.zip (or from HBCD folder) to the usb drive
I copied those 2 files ( grldr and menu.lst ) however in the image of the thumbdrive they

a HBCD folder which dont have and a autorun.inf which i don't see

Below are the files and folders I have in my USB bootable drive


Thanks again for all your help.


Ok I got Ultimate PC Boot to startup!! now I just need to see which programs will allow me to access the data that resides on this server 3 SCSI Raid 5 configuration using Windows Server 2003 or address the original error I am getting:

( lsass.exe - System error (Directory Services could not start becuase of the following error: There is not enough space on the disk. Error Status: Oxc000007f, Please click OK to shutdown this system and reboot into Directory Services Restore MOde, check the event log for more detailed information )

Is the a program off of Ultimate CD boot you would recommend? to either access the data on SCSI or delete some files to address error above? Thanks

All these errors seem to be software errors... the USB maker you used seems to have failed.
Universal-USB-Installer has many rescue CD isos written in the support list and should install the Hirens or any other rescue CD iso on a USB drive.

Universal USB Installer

From the Ultimate Boot USB, use the Windows Explorer to browse to the files you want to move or backup. The right copy & paste program should take over as you select and cut or copy files from the server HDD to a backup drive, or delete unnecessary files like Temp and Log files.

After you can log on to Windows Server 2003, you can access the temp files folders with "%temp%" and "temp" typed on the Run command in the Start Menu and manually delete temp files or use CCleaner. If you have never deleted temp files you should liberate some GBs of disk space.

Read the solutions... you can use a USB flash drive to move the Database or Log Files to, according to method 2. After you have cleared out enough files, the system error should disappear and you should be able to logon.
lsass.exe - System error (Directory Services could not start becuase of the following error: There is not enough space on the disk. Error Status: Oxc000007f
Directory Service Does Not Start If Disk Is Full
Hi Motherboard Master, thanks for your reply, I don't see a Windows Explorer option to browse files from Ultimate Boot CD ver 5.5.3 There is the Parted Magic Program that is Linux so not sure if that will work? thanks again.

Both the Hiren's Boot CD and Ultimate Boot CD for Windows have a stripped down version of Windows, and HBCD now has a Windows 7... the Windows and not Linux (Parted Magic) link (HDD link) is what you should select from the CD boot menu to access the hard drive and Windows Explorer. That's part of what I meant before when someone recommended you to use a Linux Puppy distro... the Linux file manager is very different than the Windows Explorer and not as practical for accessing files.
The UBCD CD menu shown in the website where you downloaded from, shows:
Parted Magic
Boot Next device

Current Release: V5.3.5

Did you download version 5.5.3 or is that a typo?... the menu is quite different so it probably is the programs and functions menu.. I meant the CD Boot Menu in MS-Dos... It's the first UBCD image you see when the CD boots up. You can see the said menu in the download page you linked to.
Hi, yes that is the menu with the exact options you listed that I also see when I bootup, the options I listed are what you see after you select the HDD option you suggested, which has no windows option. thank you for all your help, seems like Im almost there

OK, if you see the first menu I listed, select the option, and next thing you see is the menu you listed above, I think you may have the wrong version of boot cd... Seems like the same mistake I made a while back when I downloaded a second version of UBCD... (first version was OK).. that version was meant to be customized before burning it... So, this may be the case or there is also the possibility the boot sequence has been changed since then. I have not downloaded another version since and instead downloaded the Hiren's Boot CD that seemed (and is) more appropriate and includes more tools than the first UBCD version which booted to a Windows XP enviroment. To give you any more information I'd have to download the version that's built around a Windows 7 enviroment, but I'd suggest switching to the Hiren's Boot CD ISO instead and install it on USB with the program called Universal USB Installer this program even includes different boot CDs including the UBCD and Hiren's Boot CD written in the compatibility list so it should install it free of any errors.

Universal USB Installer
Thank you for staying on this with me, after accessing the USB drive with Plop to boot from the floppy, I placed Hirens Boot Disk on a thumb drive it it booted up beautifully ! I am now copying data to another thumb drive and will later delete some files to see if the server boots up. In any case I plan to retire this server and put data on another PC. Your help is really appreciated my problem has been solved thanks to your assistance.!!!
