Where can I download windows 10 pro?


Jul 12, 2017
Before you start flaming me for asking such an obvious question please read this first.For some reason I can not download anything from Microsoft on my PC,Laptop,Or my mother's laptop.I think it may be some sort of weird issue with me using PDAnet as my internet connection,because the updates,and the Microsoft store won't work either.I don't have any other option at the moment,so an Ethernet cable is out of the equation.The problem is I had just recently purchased a windows 10 key directly from the Microsoft website for this new build I was planning to use it with.So how else can I get a clean install of Windows 10 if it's not from their website?I had already spent almost $200 on a Key,but now I need the actual software to either put on my USB drive,or an ISO to burn to DVD.Can somebody email me an ISO or something?
Have you contacted Microsoft? Since you bought key directly from them, they may be able to change your format type so they send you a USB pre made. It should have been an option on their web site.

If you explain situation I am sure they can help

You need to fix your router issue because Microsoft is the only place to download the file. Call your ISP.

Sure,I'll get right on that as soon as you give me $6,000 for them to install a line from the road to my house.

You didn't read the entire post,did you?

Have you tried http://windowsiso.net/windows-10-iso/windows-10-creators-update-1703-download-build-15063/windows-10-creators-update-1703-iso-download-standard/

I don't normally recommend other sites for ISO but you appear to have no choice

is 1703 the most recent update?

Have you contacted Microsoft? Since you bought key directly from them, they may be able to change your format type so they send you a USB pre made. It should have been an option on their web site.

If you explain situation I am sure they can help

That's a pretty good idea,I think I'll try that first and see what they can do.I'll check back in later and let you know.

Although that may be an option for this problem, the OP still needs to contact his ISP to get his internet service fixed.

If you live in Europe or in America, you do not have pay for any repairs to your internet service. Three times in my life the local ISP has had to replace miles of cable in or4der to get service to my house, all at zero cost to me. That is how it works. My most recent experience was with Xfinity, and they had to install about 1,200 feet of cable to get the line to my house. Cost to me was zero.

That's just not the way it works here.

They refunded my purchase for the key,and are sending me a USB flash drive in the mail.

Well you can't have it both ways. You can't get a refund and a USB installer. It is one or the other, you can't get something for free.

If you live in the United States, call your State's Public Utility Commission. Yes, that is ALWAYS the way it works.
They may have reversed the change for the key and charged him instead for the USB, that would be how accounts sections would do it ( I used to work in one).

I was going to come in and say Rocky is right, you need to be able to update win 10 as the way they work their support is for current + the previous version are the only ones supported and eventually if you cannot update win 10 your version will be out of date. They release a new version every 6 months so that is about 1 year away unless you can fix internet connection.

Where is "here"?

My internet connection is not the topic of this thread.The problem has been marked as solved.Thanks for the help.