Where can I find HD 5870 Drivers?

Tainted KFC

Jan 26, 2014
Hello, I've been looking around for drivers for this 5870 for over a month and using the AMD website is just to difficult, I've been thinking of using DriversCollection.com, but I'm not sure it's safe.

If you know where I can get the latest driver please post a link or tell me,

Should I get the beta driver or update Catalyst or both?
Thanks for the fast reply.
Edit: I already have Catalyst so will I have to uninstall it to update it? As well as with the driver?
10 days after being able to use my computer flawlessly, it's crashed twice in 6 hours, only when playing games though. I'm pretty sure it's a driver problem but I'm not completely sure. Please help!
use whocrashed or bluescreenview to read dump files. If it points toward video driver you might have to google amd driver utility it will completely uninstall and remove the video driver then you can download and reinstall. might help