where can i get a good and cheap amd processor am3 socket or am3+ between 10-35


Apr 8, 2015
im on an extreme budget right now and i already have a nvidia gtx 650 so all i need now is the ram and processor. my motherboard is a AS rock 880G Pro3
Like jay said above, you can find some used Athlons or Phenom for this price. BTW, you shouldn't get single-core processors, especially AMD ones lol. This is a good deal, for a tri-core Phenom (if you're in the UK):

Im not sure what currency you're using so im going to assume you are using pounds.

The AMD Sempron 145 is pretty cheap at £16.99 but its a single core so yeah....

if you are lucky you should be able to find a few bids for athlons and phenom ii for cheapish prices but you won't find a lot in general without trying.

Like jay said above, you can find some used Athlons or Phenom for this price. BTW, you shouldn't get single-core processors, especially AMD ones lol. This is a good deal, for a tri-core Phenom (if you're in the UK):

Thanks I found an AMD x4 640 for $37. It's a quad core 3.0ghz. I think i can run some arma 2 dayz with it.

Computer specs:
8gb ddr3 1600mhz
ASrock 880g pro3 motherboard
AMD Athlon x4 640 processor
400 watt powersupply

I'm also from U.S.
nvidia gtx 650 256-bit 2gb 1000mhz core clock
500gb hdd