D Dcarter11 Reputable Feb 26, 2015 1 0 4,510 Feb 26, 2015 #1 I have reviewed my manual and It tells me where most go, but there are still a few such as the power led cords where I have no idea.
I have reviewed my manual and It tells me where most go, but there are still a few such as the power led cords where I have no idea.
K krells Distinguished Nov 10, 2014 1,242 2 19,965 Feb 26, 2015 #2 It is on page 1-24 in the first chapter under System Panel Connector. They connect to the small group of pins on the lower right side of the board. Upvote 0 Downvote
It is on page 1-24 in the first chapter under System Panel Connector. They connect to the small group of pins on the lower right side of the board.