Came across this:
The Fan Splitter:
If you have enough plug ins on the motherboard you can do it this way, however if you want to be able to control the H100i via your desktop you will need to use the fan splitter cable so you can change the speeds on the fans via the desktop (I would plug them into the motherboard if you can control your motherboard fans via the desktop on your computer however.
The USB 2.0 cable (Corsair Link):
The only thing that this cable is good for is being able to control your H100i via the desktop (fan speeds, pump speeds, ect. ect.) I would fully recommend this being plugged into the header, just because the pump speeds are very important.
Molex to SATA Power Adapter:
Over all I would recommend fully what I have stated above, however i would also recommend that everything be hooked up like it should be since it was made for that purpose.