Where do i plug up my case fans to?


Jul 3, 2014
Ok so i bought my case and it comes with (1 x Front 120mm Blue LED Fan), (1 x Rear 120mm Fan), and (1 x Top 140mm Fan). The Front fan and the Top fan both have one 4 pin Molex connector and a very small 3 pin plug in each and the rear fan does not have a 4 pin Molex connector but only the very small 3 pin plug in. I know the 3 pin goes into the Motherboard and that the 4 pin Molex connector connects to the PSU but i was wondering will my motherboard be able to handle the 3 fans? I know my PSU will be able to pug up all the 4 pin Molex connectors? It also has an option to where i can use two more 120mm side fans. And also why does the rear fan not have a 4 pi Molex connector? And if it will help you to better answer this here is a link to my PSU, Motherboard, and Case. If you need to know anything else just ask, thanks! :) And what is the 3 pin connector named?



The 4-pin Molex connector fan can be plugged in to each other then into the PSU's Molex connector.

There are places on your MOBO to plug in the 3-pin fan connectors. Each one is normally labeled too.

Yes the MOBO can handle the fans. That's why there are places for them. Your MOBO is getting the same power from your PSU too 😉

Ahh ok thanks. I knew it could handle it i just thought my MB had only 1 or 2 slots for the Fans. So what is the 3 pin connectors for? And how many 3 pin connectuons are there on my MB?

You plug your case fans into Cha_fan1 and Cha_fan2, although if you only us one of your CPU_fan connectors, you could use the second CPU_fan to power your third case fan. Your mobo is only made to handle 2 case fans, although you may also be able to get away with using a splitter.

Don't plug a fan into the PWR_fan connector. Some PSU's come with a connector that you plug into PWR_fan so you can monitor the PSU's fan speed through the motherboard.

Does my PSU come with one?
The point of plugging them into the motherboard is so you can see what speed they are running at. 4-pin fans also allow you to control their speed through software on your computer. Buying a fan controller might be a good idea, especially if you plan on adding more fans.

ok, so will my xfx 550w be enough for 5 fans all together? Where would i connect the fan controller

Ok and im sure my manual will tell me where to plug my Case fans up, its just kinda unclear some. And by the way, is the Motherboard i got a Regular, High end, workstation, or server motherboard?
So i can plug a 3-pin into a 4-pin? And will it hurt my motherboard if i plug it up to my Power fan Connector?

4th pin is for pulse width modulation or PWM. It allows you to control fan speed through the motherboard. While you can plug a 4-pin fan into a 3-pin connector on the motherboard without any issues, it's not recommended that you use 4-pin fans on 3-pin fan controllers, as voltage controlling a PWM fan can damage the motor. Using 3-pin fans on a 4-pin controller is fine.