[SOLVED] Where does LED cable go?


Mar 28, 2010
I am trying to build my first PC. The case is an NZXT H510 (regular, not Elite).

I have an extra cable and I want to know where it goes (pictured here). On one end of the cable is a 6 pin connector arranged in two rows of 4+2.

On the other end is split into four connectors labeled
  1. +P LED
  2. -P LED
  3. Power SW
  4. HDD LED
The case already has cables from the front panel. Where does this one go? Is it extra?

If your case already has these cables, then it is optional.
Are you saying that this breakout cable is the same as the ones from the front panel? Specifically, the one named F_PANEL?

I am using an AMD Ryzen Processor. What do you make of this picture? It says for Non-Intel processors to connect the F_PANEL cable to the breakout cable. But it doesn't say where the breakout cable connects.
If your case already has these cables, then it is optional.
Are you saying that this breakout cable is the same as the ones from the front panel? Specifically, the one named F_PANEL?

I am using an AMD Ryzen Processor. What do you make of this picture? It says for Non-Intel processors to connect the F_PANEL cable to the breakout cable. But it doesn't say where the breakout cable connects.