Where does Windows 8 find the "pause"/lock screen images?


Dec 8, 2014
Hello, when I leave my computer alone and put it to sleep it usually wakes up at some point, when it wakes up it'll be at the lock screen, rotating a number of images I have no idea where it has found. I've looked at all the usual places and the only place I can see the is in OneDrive.

When I turn on the computer the only images it shows are the ones i selected.

Anyone have any idea where windows goes for these images?
Nevermind, I found the answer;

In Control Panel\Appearance and Personalisation\Personalisation the folder was selected under Desktop background but not saved as one for the slideshow - I have no idea why Windows used it for the lockscreen. Just deleted the images.

(beware if you have a ton of weird ass images, these weren't though, but still)