Where else can you plug in fans?


Apr 28, 2016
Pretty sure this question falls under "Lolnoob 101" but, where else can you plug in fans if not on the motherboard? I've been watching quite a few PC building videos and I've seen this a lot of times but there will be unused fan headers on the mobo yet the case has a bunch of fans.

For example, one guy I watched only had 2 fans plugged into the mobo; the CPU cooler and one intake fan. The rest of the fan's cables were routed in the back. I imagine he didn't use all of the headers to keep the front looking cleaner but that leaves with the question: What did he plug them into? I know for a fact that his case didn't have an integrated fan hub. But he had 5 fans.

I'm asking mostly because I plan to put 6 fans in my case which also doesn't have a fan hub and I'd really like to keep the front looking as clean as possible since the case has a large side window. But what do I plug the extra fans into without having the extra wires coming from the motherboard if possible? I want to take a similar approach as the one mentioned above. :sweat:
You'd connect them on molex and there's plenty of different splitters and stuff. You never want to put too many on a single plug, no matter what connection. But molex psu cables will have multiple heads to connect to so having enough isn't an issue.

I'm fine with not being able to control them. Is there an adapter you plug into the PSU that then connects to multiple fans? I wouldn't know what kind to use in this case.
You'd connect them on molex and there's plenty of different splitters and stuff. You never want to put too many on a single plug, no matter what connection. But molex psu cables will have multiple heads to connect to so having enough isn't an issue.