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On Fri, 06 May 2005 04:17:36 GMT, "Dallas"
<Cybnorm@spam_me_not.Hotmail.Com> brought the following to our
>"Dudley Henriques"
>> Don't think so. I heard the Mexicans have civilian militia on the border
>> discourage the Americans trying to cross illegally into Mexico to fill the
>> jobs they have down there that are available because all the Mexicans are
>> here working illegally!!
>Yes, it's true! So many Americans have swum across the border that they are
>demanding that all the signs and legal documents be in both English and
>Spanish. The Mexican government is going to allow all American illegal to
>get drivers licenses and get free emergency medical care all without paying
>taxes. They are also providing free schooling and bilingual teachers so the
>children of these Americans don't have to learn to speak Spanish.
>No wonder Arthur stayed, it sounds like a great deal.
>Come to think of it, this can't be right... no nation could be that stupid.
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