I want some help to get others opinions on a what I should do with my money so where would I get the most feedback?
here is the question
Ok I have a crap computer with cruddy parts here (Q8400,250GB HDD, HP Motherboard, SFF Case, 240 watt PSU, [I just put a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127852 in it]. So I just bought a that graphics card and 8 GB of ram (total of 12 now) I have about $200 to spend on a completely new PC maybe $300 so I have to come to you handsome PC experts to help me out what I should do also I would like for it to be upgrade able for the future like LGA 1150
here is the question
Ok I have a crap computer with cruddy parts here (Q8400,250GB HDD, HP Motherboard, SFF Case, 240 watt PSU, [I just put a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127852 in it]. So I just bought a that graphics card and 8 GB of ram (total of 12 now) I have about $200 to spend on a completely new PC maybe $300 so I have to come to you handsome PC experts to help me out what I should do also I would like for it to be upgrade able for the future like LGA 1150