Where should i install The operation System? (Small or large hardisk)


Jul 18, 2014
Where should i install the operation system? i have a 50GB hardisk and a 450GB hardrive.. Is there any differente where i install it? I just installed it on the 450GB and someone told me it would be slower on the 450GB. :)

Hard disk:
Seagate Barracuda® 500GB
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't a hardisk and a hardive the same, (HDD - Hard Disk Drive)? In which case it wouldn't matter, unless one of your HDD's has a higher RPM (i.e. 7200 RPM vs 10000 RPM), then the 10000RPM would be the one you should put the OS on. If you mean you have a 50GB SSD (Way different than an HDD), then yes you should 100% put the OS on that. Otherwise, if both HDD's run on the same RPM's then I would still suggest putting it on the bigger one, like you did.

50GB HDD? that is so small it must be VERY old? or is it a SSD?
Unless its a SSD (solid state drive.. look it up if you need know more) then my guess is the 50GB drive will be very old and slow.. so you probably did the right thing to install on the 450GB drive
Also - Modern windows might be cramped in a 50Gb drive.. so another good reason to put on the 450GB

unless of course.. its a 500GB drive portioned into a 50 and 450GB partitions..

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't a hardisk and a hardive the same, (HDD - Hard Disk Drive)? In which case it wouldn't matter, unless one of your HDD's has a higher RPM (i.e. 7200 RPM vs 10000 RPM), then the 10000RPM would be the one you should put the OS on. If you mean you have a 50GB SSD (Way different than an HDD), then yes you should 100% put the OS on that. Otherwise, if both HDD's run on the same RPM's then I would still suggest putting it on the bigger one, like you did.

Even if the "50GB" were an SSD, I'd probably shy away from using that as the OS drive. That is right on the edge of 'too small' for actual day to day use.

Sorry, i'm from Norway, so English is not my 1st language :S

50GB C: and 450GB D:
I have two parts from my Seagate Barracuda 500GB. I bought 1 hadrive. it is divided in two parts

Windows 8.1 is ~20GB, so it can fit an OS perfectly fine. Yes, it's not very useful for day to day use, but that's why you would have another drive to store everything else on, while the 50GB would be for OS only.

So then you have two partitions on one drive, at that point I would still install it on the 450GB since it's exactly the same HDD. Speed would not change no matter which partition you installed it, since it's on the same HDD.

Sorry i im not so good with computer things... I bought Seagate Barracuda® 500GB in 2012. and someone told me it would take longer time to access. Thx, i dont have to format my pc again. :)

Yes it is a 500GB drive portioned into a 50 and 450GB partitions (not SSD)