Where to buy mini-itx motherboard trays?


May 16, 2015
G'day, just wondering where I could buy a mini-itx motherboard tray? preferably with rear i/o and pci-slots.
I've found a couple already but none with rear i/o or pci-slots, I'd rather not have to mod my own pci-slots and rear i/o so hopefully there's somewhere I can get a tray with those.

If not I guess I could always cut one out of a scrap case.

By 'motherboard tray' I am refering to the sheet of material that contains the threads for the motherboard standoffs that is usually parallel to the motherboard, supporting it.
What I'm lookin for is something like this:

But in a mini-itx form factor.
I'm seeking one of these as I'm looking to build a pc case but don't wish to have to fabricate my own motherboard tray as placing the standoffs exactly would be a pain.
Though I'm begining to think just either cutting down an ATX or micro-ATX tray or ripping a mini-itx tray out of an exsisting case would be my only option as I cannot for the life of me find a mini-itx tray with the rear i/o cutout and pci-slots.

Yeah I'll try sending out some messages tonight. I've already tried case-labs and although they were friendly they weren't able to help me. It's oddly rare for some reason, probably just the low popularity of mini-itx boards among enthusiasts making it not worth it to manafacture one.

In terms of the case build I'm doing a rear i/o upwards design with a mini-itx board (in such a fashion that the graphics card is vertical hanging from the pci-slots) with an 180mm intake fan at the bottom and an 140mm exhaust at the top though that's subject to change depending on the i/o.
I've gotten in contact with mountain mods and they've got a pretty good seperate i/o section which I'll probably attach to a mini-itx tray I've found. It's not ideal but at least it's better than having to completley fabricate it.