PC Case Gear is my store of choice and where I buy all my components if I can, I live close enough to it that postage isn't too bad and if I'm in Melbourne I can just pick it up directly from their warehouse (only the one, they are primarily Internet based).
Customer service is very good, cant imagine many other stores are open New Years Eve to take a phone call asking to change my order from one particular water-cooling barb to another. Brought a product back into stock because I asked them if they could, and also bumped my order to the top of the processing list because that day was the only time I could pick it up.
So far they are the only retailer I'v been too that haven't had an issue with returning faulty components (except for a local shop, mainly because nothings broke). Not blaming the others for having faulty stuff, they cant control that, but the general process of getting a replacement/refund was just so much simpler with them because all your purchases are recorded in an account you make at their website, rather than relying on the customer holding onto receipts.
Largest range of products as well.
Basically, blanket praise for them. If possible buy everything there I think their that good.
MSY is another store I tried. They have a limited range, but if you want something within that range its probably going to be cheapest there. They are the ones I'v had the most trouble getting a replacement, I have no idea how the place functions if they don't record when sales take place and whats changing hands. They have stores all over Australia, though mainly clustered on the East coast.
The inside of their stores are very much what you would expect a stereotypical computer nerd den to look like :lol:
Umart is a similar situation to MSY, but with a much wider range. Bunch of stores in Queensland with one in Melbourne and Sydney. Like PC Case Gear they primarily just have an internet presence.
The issue I'v had with them is trying to RMA some RAM. One of the sticks in a 2x4GB kit died, so I sent off an email to them asking for an RMA, explaining that I didnt have the receipt but that the purchase record in the uMart account should prove to them that I bought it from there. I got a canned reply saying that I need the receipt (which I explained I dont have), that the RAM (whole kit) would have to be delivered to their warehouse and would take up to 20 something working days for testing and then if they were considered faulty would be replaced.
Lets just say that I'm running 12GB of RAM right now because I can not be bothered going through that process.