[SOLVED] Where to connect RGB fans

Aug 17, 2020
Hi there!

I recently purchased a set of RGB fans, Phanteks SK PWM FAN D-RGB (they actually have only red LEDs) and since this is my first build I have no clue where to connect them since each fan has two connectors (one for the fan power and another one for the LEDs) the motherboard is an ASrock Taichi X370.

The set of fans came with two extra harnesses but I'm not sure how to use them or if I really need them.


My guessing from what I've read in the forums is that I must connect the fans to the power supply and the LEDs to the motherboard, but since I like to control the fans speed I'd like to see if I can keep them connected to the motherboard just as the non LED previously installed fans were connected. (if that cannot be possible then I will need some help for having the fans connected to the power supply, and some help in how to connect the fans LED on the motherboard)

Thanks in advance!
Hi Ferimer

I located the connectors you mentioned,


however I cannot have the fans connected there since the terminals are different, I already connected the fan themselves by using their 4 PIN connectors to the board, which leaves them with the second 3 PIN connector that I cannot connect to connectors 23 and 24 on the board since they are 4 PIN, besides the connector is different, here are the wires that come out from every fan I want to use:


4 PIN connector is for powering the fans (already connected) while the 3 PIN is for the LEDs if my asumption is...
Hi there!

I recently purchased a set of RGB fans, Phanteks SK PWM FAN D-RGB (they actually have only red LEDs) and since this is my first build I have no clue where to connect them since each fan has two connectors (one for the fan power and another one for the LEDs) the motherboard is an ASrock Taichi X370.

The set of fans came with two extra harnesses but I'm not sure how to use them or if I really need them.


My guessing from what I've read in the forums is that I must connect the fans to the power supply and the LEDs to the motherboard, but since I like to control the fans speed I'd like to see if I can keep them connected to the motherboard just as the non LED previously installed fans were connected. (if that cannot be possible then I will need some help for having the fans connected to the power supply, and some help in how to connect the fans LED on the motherboard)

Thanks in advance!
Those fans have a 4pin PWM connector to connect to chassis fan connectors on your MB which has 2 of them.
Those fans have a 4pin PWM connector to connect to chassis fan connectors on your MB which has 2 of them.

Hi CountMike

Thanks for your input, actually I connected the fans 4pin PWM to the motherboard in the locations shown in the following picture:


They run as expected but LEDs will not turn on, even the AsRock RGB LED program won't do anything. Since the 4pin PWM are connected for each fan there is a 3pin connector for each fan that remain not connected.

Feel free to ask for any pictures.

Hi CountMike

Thanks for your input, actually I connected the fans 4pin PWM to the motherboard in the locations shown in the following picture:


They run as expected but LEDs will not turn on, even the AsRock RGB LED program won't do anything. Since the 4pin PWM are connected for each fan there is a 3pin connector for each fan that remain not connected.

Feel free to ask for any pictures.

On the Picture diagram the RGB connector from the fans need to plug into NUMBERS 23 and 24 on that picture reference of your board. Which should say RGB LED Header (RGB_LED1) (RGB_LED2)
On the Picture diagram the RGB connector from the fans need to plug into NUMBERS 23 and 24 on that picture reference of your board. Which should say RGB LED Header (RGB_LED1) (RGB_LED2)

Hi Ferimer

I located the connectors you mentioned,


however I cannot have the fans connected there since the terminals are different, I already connected the fan themselves by using their 4 PIN connectors to the board, which leaves them with the second 3 PIN connector that I cannot connect to connectors 23 and 24 on the board since they are 4 PIN, besides the connector is different, here are the wires that come out from every fan I want to use:


4 PIN connector is for powering the fans (already connected) while the 3 PIN is for the LEDs if my asumption is correct.

Do I need to get an special harness for connecting the 3 PIN terminal to the 4 PIN connector on the board?

Thanks in advance!
Hi Ferimer

I located the connectors you mentioned,


however I cannot have the fans connected there since the terminals are different, I already connected the fan themselves by using their 4 PIN connectors to the board, which leaves them with the second 3 PIN connector that I cannot connect to connectors 23 and 24 on the board since they are 4 PIN, besides the connector is different, here are the wires that come out from every fan I want to use:


4 PIN connector is for powering the fans (already connected) while the 3 PIN is for the LEDs if my asumption is correct.

Do I need to get an special harness for connecting the 3 PIN terminal to the 4 PIN connector on the board?

Thanks in advance!

Your board only has traditional 4 pin 12v rgb headers.

Those fans are 5v argb (a new standard).
They can't be connected to your board.
There are seperate argb controllers you can buy with a remote to control led's.
Your board only has traditional 4 pin 12v rgb headers.

Those fans are 5v argb (a new standard).
They can't be connected to your board.
There are seperate argb controllers you can buy with a remote to control led's.

Hi madmatt30

Thanks for your reply, could you please suggest an argb controller so I can make an additional research based on that?
