Where to get an MSATA m.2 3042 drive

I was wrong - not sure where I got the 3042 from, but it's a 2260 (22mm x 60mm). I did find one drive on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Transcend-256-SATA-MTS600-TS256GMTS600/dp/B00KLTPT6A/ ). Here's a pic of what I want to replacet: http://www.photobert.com/temp/ZBOOK_ssd.jpg .

I found one the right size, but the laptop manual indicates the interface is "ATA-8, PCIe 2.0" - I seem to remember reading that not all laptop SSDs support PCIe, and I'm reluctant to try this.

This is the drive from the LiteOn page: http://www.liteonssd.com/product/client-sata-ssd/cx1-series.html but I can't seem to find it for sale anywhere.

It doesn't appear that Samsung makes a 2260 either.

Any ideas what will work for me?