Where To Start With PC Building


Feb 22, 2015
Hey guys,

I am not sure if this is the right place to put this but I am going to ask anyway. I really want to build more PCs but I really don't have the money to do it, and my PC is perfectly fine. Where do you recommend I look for people that need their systems built. Also, is it a good idea to just go ahead and build, then try to sell for profit? I just think building is super fun and I want to do it a lot more often.

put out an ad for custom computers to suit your need you can build work, light gaming, heavy gaming, overkill pc's, or anything to suit your need that way you have people come to you about them or you wasting your money on something someone may never buy
Thanks! Where do you recommend posting these ads?

I would not advise to build a pc and then hope for a customer to buy it, could be sitting that pc for a while, and then you will be selling it for a loss because the parts are now outdated.

You are just going to have to upgrade yours and your friends/family's PCs as it comes up.
You need much more experience before you should be building anything for people for money.
Ok. At this point I really could do builds for free. Where do you recommend I start advertising?

it would be best to upgrade family & friends computers or friend of friends. in this way you can be rather sure of a safe environment.

the trouble with upgrading random peoples computers is triple:
-can you trust the people? people have been known to be robbed or mugged or worse when visiting strangers they found online.
-why would they want you to build it for them? how can they trust you if you have no established business and only have one build under your belt.
-if you created builds beforehand to sell the risk to person is less however your monetary risk is high. you might not sell or may end up taking a loss.

craigslist gets a fair amount of attention here in the usa however the risk to person is higher as well if you go out on your own (You would always need to go out paired with someone else if you did).

flyers outside windows newspaper internet if you can get them cheap and when you build a computer you can hand out a business card and ask if they can tell otherpeople. you can also speed up old computers as I know the computer technicians in my area charge $200 and just put ccleaner on or some other shit program you can do it properly for less money and get extra money here and there