Which 10 series gpu should I get.


Aug 20, 2016
Hello, I just sold my GTX 960 and I need to upgrade to eather a 1060 FTW+ or 1070 FTW (Both by EVGA) I need to know which is better for my budgeg and if my Cpu will bottleneck them. Thx!

Cpu: i5 4690k non over clocked.

1060: www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=06G-P4-6368-KR

1070: EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 FTW GAMING ACX 3.0, 8GB GDDR5, RGB LED, 10CM FAN, 10 Power Phases, Double BIOS, DX12 OSD Support (PXOC) Graphics Card 08G-P4-6276-KR https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01I60OGUK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_u-6UxbJFC36XZ

The CPU you have is kinda old, so if you want to change it to something newer than you will have to replace CPU/MB/RAMs which might be abit costly. Now, what you can do is get 1070 and in the future you can upgrade the rest of the components.

Why 1070 and now 1060? First of all, 1060 does not support SLI in-case you decided to boost your gaming performance. Also 1060 comes with 6GB while 1070 with 8GB which is a good for GPU demanding gamess.

Now if you dont care about SLI and 6GB is enough then upgrade your PC & get 1060 but this will cost more than getting the 1070 and upgrade later.


The CPU you have is kinda old, so if you want to change it to something newer than you will have to replace CPU/MB/RAMs which might be abit costly. Now, what you can do is get 1070 and in the future you can upgrade the rest of the components.

Why 1070 and now 1060? First of all, 1060 does not support SLI in-case you decided to boost your gaming performance. Also 1060 comes with 6GB while 1070 with 8GB which is a good for GPU demanding gamess.

Now if you dont care about SLI and 6GB is enough then upgrade your PC & get 1060 but this will cost more than getting the 1070 and upgrade later.

I was just wondering; in what situation is it actually appropriate to UNselect a user's 'solution'?
It seems a strange option to have for other users to do, as there have been several threads recently that I have been involved in, in which a poor build has been selected by the OP despite alternatives being suggested, and parts being called out as low quality.
Just thought i'd shoot you a question on this seeing as it appears somewhat relevant on this thread (with the same user even).