which 1060 for my pc


I can't really give you a definitive list due to the fact that you are trying to upgrade an HP PC. It sounds like this would be the...
I would recommend saving up for a complete new build. You could drop a 1060 in there (if it fits, I didn't even attempt to look at dimensions) but you would need to upgrade the PSU (the case may not even support a conventional ATX PSU). And then the CPU in that machine would hold the 1060 back on top of that.


i want to get a whole new build but i dont have the time or money


Your money, I would just recommend looking at benchmarks on games you plan on playing with that CPU and see if the GTX 1050 matches or beats those numbers. If the CPU can push more than the 1050 then go for the 1050ti.

if i had £400 to upgrade this pc, what should i buy for it? baring in mind that i want to play games like the division and dying light

Pushing your budget, you could salvage the case, optical drive, RAM, HDD. (You would need a new copy of windows). Going to put some rough numbers down below in USD.

So 400 pounds ~ $500.

Intel i3 ~120 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117543&cm_re=intel_i3-_-19-117-543-_-Product
Motherboard ~45 (It looks like the current mobo is a micro ATX) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1N83UF6146
GTX 1050ti ~150 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487290&cm_re=gtx_1050ti-_-14-487-290-_-Product
Windows ~100 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832416892&cm_re=windows_10-_-32-416-892-_-Product

total ~415
So you could probably upgrade the GTX 1050ti to a 1060 for about $50 more and still be under $500 USD. Obviously I don't know the price for parts where your at but this should give you an idea. I also don't know for sure that your current case supports a regular micro ATX board etc...I pulled my pricing off newegg.com

i only want to be able to run the division at the most, i dont want a whole new build yet

can you please link me some parts that i could use with my current build? im not very experienced with pcs so swapping out a motherboard isnt really in my comfort zone

I can't really give you a definitive list due to the fact that you are trying to upgrade an HP PC. It sounds like this would be the first time your diving into upgrading/building a PC. If that is the case, trying to salvage bits of your current build is probably going to present you with more problems than completely building a new PC. I understand money is tight but you would really be better off starting from scratch.

You would have fewer headaches trying to deal with the cramped and non-conventional dimensions that HP has with their case.

I would also recommend checking out some youtube videos on how to put together a PC, there should be more than enough guides on what you have to do and what you should check for. You could also google "Best budget gaming build 2016" or something along those lines to find a list of compatible parts. (The GTX 1050/1050ti just came out so I wouldn't be surprised if those are not on the list).