Which 1080 ti has the highest overclock?


Dec 28, 2015
Recently sent back my 1080 ti AMP! Extreme because if I manually changed the refresh rate on my monitor higher than 60hz with geforce experience of just right clicking the desktop. So I sent it back, and am now on the hunt for a replacement. I want pure performance and understand that there's only a 1% difference between the cards as well as just getting lucky with the silicon lottery, but I'm still curious. Budget really isn't an issue, so long as its a good card. Sorry if I respond late and thank you in advanced if I personally forget to do so!
Haven.t heard EVGA had special binning before, thanks for the info!

Hybrid was another option, and I see that the boostclock those cards market is a load of crap. Thanks for the help!

What are we talking about ?

-Highest Clock outta the box ?
-Highest Boost Clock outta the box ?
-Highest FPS outta the box ?

-Highest Clock after overclocking ?
-Highest Boost Clock after overclocking ?
-Highest FPS after overclocking ?

Those are 6 different things ... and the highest fps usually doesn't come from the highest clocks.

The 1% claim that keeps getting reposted is bogus. There are real performance capabilities that the better designs could realize, but nVidia's Boost 3 puts a big nerf on it.... the real life difference is 5 - 7% depending on the model.

These are the results of Techpowerup testing ... and you will be shocked. The reference card beat out all but one the contenders

MSI GTX 1080 Ti Lightning Z 11 GB - 221.5 fps
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Founders Edition 11 GB - 216.2
Palit GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GameRock Premium 11 GB - 215.1
MSI GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X 11 GB - 214.3
ASUS GTX 1080 Ti Strix OC 11 GB - 214.2
Zotac GeForce GTX 1080 Ti AMP! Extreme 11 GB - 213 fps
EVGA GTX 1080 Ti SC2 11 GB - 209.3
Gigabyte Aorus GTX 1080 Ti Xtreme Gaming 11 GB - 209.1

In this test, the top dog Lightning hit the 3rd highest clock at 2050 MHz (tied w/ Gigabyte) ... the reference card took the title hitting 2063 MHz which leads me to believe that the folks at nVidia sent out something special w/ their NDA. Asus had the 2nd highest clock, at 2055 Mhz proving the point that higher clocks do not related to highest fps. The Giga and Lightnig both hit 2050 Lz but the Lightning took 1st place in fps and th Giga was last.

The Zotac had the highest memory OC at 1575 MHz and EVGA, as expected was one of only 2 under1500. EVGGA SC and MSI Gaming had almost the exact same core and memory clocks but 5 fps separated the 2.

Water cooling can help, but I wouldn't waste my time with CLC types which cool the GPU well but leave the VRMs and memory to find for themselves. The Poseidon as was pointed out in the review here on THG suffers a bit from trying to be two things (air and water cooler) at once. Having that flexibility prevents it from doing either job as well as the singe target options. The Seahawk EX X (not the CLC one w/o the "EK" in it's model name) is simply a 1080 Ti w/ a real EK full cover water block preinstalled at a cost of about $110 less then buying them and installing yaself. This is often paired with a Swiftech all copper AIO which again, unlike CLC options with weak pumps and inefficient aluminum rads, is a set of individual custom loop components pre-assembled at the factory. These can be exapnded to include additional water blocks and rads as you see fit.
Yea, probably should have made myself clearer. I meant highest fps after overclocking. Thanks for the comparison and info. I'm curious as to which card you would pick yourself though, if you don't mind telling me that is

Yeah I knew what ya meant ... the reason I responded that way was that most equate highest advertised clock to = highest everything and that just never works out.

1. The Lightning, Matrix and Classified series for the most part stopped being relevant during 7xxx. Not that they weren't outstanding superbly engineered products, it was that the cost of delivering them was high and the limits, both physical and legal, that nVidia was adding each year nerfed what they could do. So unless they are priced reasonably closed to the normal AIB offerings, I'd have to look the other way. If I'm looking at spending $20 - $200 just to walk around knowing "mine's bigger", most days it's gonna have to be at the lower end of that range.

2. My current box is a custom loop. I think I would happily forgo having to take off air coolers and install water blocks for two GFX cards when I could save $220 but buying the MSI Seahawk EK X 10870 Ti ... lately the pricing has been ridiculously low and with Swiftechs H Series AIOs you can get real custom loop performance out of AIO coolers. EK promised to release their new modular series 3Q 2017 and that ends in 2 days. That makes water cooling still top notch and 1 minute easy to assemble.


We were almost strictly an Asus shop up thru Z87 and 7xx series ... but by Z97 and while 7xx was still here we found MSI to be a worthy and more cost effective alternative and we had too much trouble w/ Asus Z87 / Z97 builds. Still miss Asus BIOS but most boards / cards of late have been I'd say 2/3 MSI 1/3 Gigabyte with an occasional Asus TUF workstation in there.

It often comes down to this ... If a user makes a decision on the board or card, then there';s a good reason to match it ... this way when ya call TS, they cant dump ya off the phone because, and they always try .. "It's the other guys fault".

I was surprised the Giga fared poorly here... usually when they send out cards for testing, the get checked before they go out, maybe this one was a dud. All up and down the rest of the line the Giga's do very well. And just remember, nobody is making sure the box you receive is not a dud :)
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