Which 1080p monitor around $180?


Aug 6, 2010
I live near a microcenter and a compusa and I would like to pick it up from either of those places. I was looking at this one($170) and the 24 inch version($200), and I wondering how good Viewsonic as far as the monitor itself and how good their customer support is. Also is the extra 2.5 inches worth $30. Would I be better off buying a floor model to save some money (as far as I know compusa will knock off around 25ish%)? Any other suggestions?
Edit: I fixed the 24" link
Umm... both links are for the same monitor.

Personally, I think spending $30 more is worth the extra 2.5". Makes things easier to read. If you are not sure, then simply walk into a local computer and look at both sizes before purchasing.

Lol, my bad about the same link, my biggest thing was is viewsonic a decent brand with decent customer service (like not scamming you if you need it repaired)
P.S. I have seen both, they look nice, but I don't know anything about monitors/monitor brands.

Lol, I don't want to have the "pleasure" either, but I'm not the luckiest person, so it is nice to have decent customer service and a good warranty.
Thanks for your replies, I think I'll go with the 24" one soon, I was going to get it today, but I think my psu decided to die so I am going to get that replaced first.