Which AM4 MoBo supports the Ballistix Elite 8GB Kit DDR4 2666?


Feb 1, 2015
so there is some weird stuff going on with Ryzen and RAM speeds and supported RAMs, so i decided to wait, a month passed and there is still uncertainty.
But i do wan't that R5 1600 and DDR4 ram is super expensive right now, so i think of keeping mine, speciffically "BLE2C4G4D26AFEA". I want a B350 Motherboard.
I checked Gigabyte GA-AB350 and MSI B350 TOMAHAWK and my RAM isn't even on the sheets.
And Asus Prime B350-Plus i can't find a compatibility sheet.

So will it work at all?
At 2666 or 2400?
It most likely will work. I see that the voltage indicates that they're a hynix chip, so you might not be able to overclock and I do not advise you to do so. But they most likely they will run out of the box if you do not want to overclock. But depending on the graphics card you're pairing the 1600 with, you might want to increase the frequency on your ram kit a bit.

I have an GTX1060 6 GB now, but i wanted to go GTX1070 next month maybe, but then again there is now leaks of Vega benchmarks and they are the same performance as 1070, so i don't know if i should wait for the price of Vega.

Overall i am actually pretty happy with my i5 6500 that i have now and the performance in games looks the same as woth R5 1600 so i want to buy the AMD chip only because i like ro have programms in background and not lose performance, but you see a switch to AMD would mean 100€ MoBo+90€ New(faster)RAM+220€ R5= 410€
Minus ~200€(total) for sold on ebay my current i5+mobo+ram,
which means i will pay 210€ for the same performance in games, but with a little bit future proofing, so i am very iffy about switching or not, it will be probably better to just upgrade the GPU.

I am struggeling for months now and can't decide. By staying with my current ram i was hoping to reduce the costs.

Switching, in my opinion would be a very bad idea. If you chose to switch to something like a 1700x then it would've made much more sense. (BTW the ram you chose is fast enough for the GPU you want to put it with. In a nutshell, the higher end your ryzen build is, the higher the frequency it will need.)
But yeah, to me switching makes no sense seeing as you could spend that money on a different part of the build. (like for example selling your current i5 and paying the 200 euro you would've spent anyway on an i7 7700k or something. That to me makes much more sense and you would get a much bigger performance boost than switching to a whole new chipset by a new manufacturer.
But whatever floats your boat dude. You don't have to listen to what some random stranger on the internet told you.
PS: 8gb is a bit low. You should get 16.