which B85 mobo is more reliable ?


Apr 7, 2014
hello i am looking to buy a b85 mobo with decent specs and i have two of them which attract me much>
1. Msi B85M e45
2. Gigabyte GA B85M D3H
so which of these are more dependable or will last a bit longer in you guys perspective plz let me know , i am gonna pair each one of these witha i5 4590 thanks again
You're the purchaser and what you want is all that matters. I do have to ask, however, why these two boards when the maximum memory each will support is DDR3 1600? For improved performance you've got no upward mobility via faster memory and paired with an i5-4590 that's kind of a shame.

But in answer to your question, for reliability on a global scale I'd have to go with the Gigabyte board. RMA (return to manufacturer return rates) is an excellent barometer of how reliable hardware is and statistically, Gigabyte boards have the lowest RMA rates. I would buy the Gigabyte board.
You're the purchaser and what you want is all that matters. I do have to ask, however, why these two boards when the maximum memory each will support is DDR3 1600? For improved performance you've got no upward mobility via faster memory and paired with an i5-4590 that's kind of a shame.

But in answer to your question, for reliability on a global scale I'd have to go with the Gigabyte board. RMA (return to manufacturer return rates) is an excellent barometer of how reliable hardware is and statistically, Gigabyte boards have the lowest RMA rates. I would buy the Gigabyte board.