Which build is better for gaming and will get my friends money worth?

Both builds are sexy, but i would go for skylake one. If only gaming 16gb is plenty fine.

Also, don't go for 2x1080 -now-. Wait the new TITAN X pascal and see how it performs in 4k.
Liquid Cooler is a bit overkill imho if it's not for the looks.
As are 2 1TB SSDs, I like the option with 1SSD + 1HDD better.you can upgrade a 2nd SSD easily if needed.
1080 if you can afford it, 600-700W is more than enough in a single GPU setup.
If primarily used for fps gaming maybe get a g-synch display, if not IPS 60Hz should do just fine

Pretty much. But I don't recommend SLI the 1080 because the Titan X is coming. Wait to see how that does.