Which card should I get ?


Jan 11, 2011
Hello, I want to purchase a new GPU But not sure which one to get. My choices are

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500242 - Zotac 670

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127696 - MSi 3GB 660ti

I have the money for both, but I have a friend who is telling me that an OC'd Msi 660ti or any OC"D 660ti In general is better then a 670, or even an Over clocked 670, I think he is wrong but I've been arguing with him and he is telling me that an OC'd Msi 660ti is better then an Oc'd Zotac 670, SO is he right or wrong which Gpu should I go for, Thanks

other specs
Asrock p67 extreme 4 gen 3
850W Psu
8GB Ram

Hmm, Alright I was considering a 7950, 7970 is over my budget, I have maybe a 350-375$ Budget tops, So that's why i was looking at the 670.