I know that the R9 380 have better performance but, sadly I just have a 500w psu EVGA 500w and to be honest I don't have plans to buy a new one, so which one should I take?
I know that the R9 380 have better performance but, sadly I just have a 500w psu EVGA 500w and to be honest I don't have plans to buy a new one, so which one should I take?
With your current power supply the GTX 960 would be a much better choice.
I know that the R9 380 have better performance but, sadly I just have a 500w psu EVGA 500w and to be honest I don't have plans to buy a new one, so which one should I take?
With your current power supply the GTX 960 would be a much better choice.
the 960 is a beast of card especially for the price, and yes a 500 watt PSU is plenty to power it. Also the 960 would be the faster of the two cards, not the 380. Also i would get this 960 if you can fit it, better cooling, and ide bet money a 500w is enough for it.. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487092&cm_re=GTX_960-_-14-487-092-_-Product And if you can spend $30 more you could get the 4gb version of the 960.