Which case should i choose and why?


Nov 18, 2015
Hi guys! After looking hours for possible cases for my next build, I have two cases left. Now I need your help to choose which one I will be using. Both cases are from Silverstone, SG06S-LITE and SG13B.

Both of them fit my build and purpose so I just need to pick one of them. It's just so hard for me alone and I need someone to convince me that one of the cases is better than the other.

Thanks in advance to everyone helping me to choose between these.

But that's not making it better than the other. I already have an SFX PSU so I don't get benefit from the possibility to use full sized ATX PSU's. Also the video card size limits dont affect me as I have itx-version of GTX 970 anyway. And what comes to the sizes there are very very minor differences (SG06S-LITE is smaller by few millimeters)

For me its the hardest part of the build 😀 I can't make decisions if the 2 are too close to each other in terms of everything really. Components do fit inside both of them. I like the looks of both and I can afford them both. Otherwise they wouldn't be even considered. I have checked everything i need from the case and both of them fill the role and the ones that didn't fell off. (For example ML07 and RVZ02 and so on)