Which case would be best?


Apr 25, 2014
Hi, I'm doing a new system build and I'm wondering what case I should get to go with this liquid cooler, the Cooler Master Seidon 120v, it has great specs and just what I'm looking for in terms of performance, noise, and price.


I was looking at cases earlier and couldn't seem to figure out which I should get for the best cooling for around ~100 bucks or less. The case I have for my system right now is as useful as a cardboard box with a fan on the side. Really. This case has practically no cooling. It only offers 1 maybe 2 fans on the side panel that are useless. The computer is cooler without the side panel on(i did the tests). Rant aside- I'm looking for something with great cooling capability and lots of space, unlike the case I have now.

My brother was recommending to me the Antec p280 xl-atx. It is $65

I was looking at the Cooler master cosmos I SE earlier as well for $65

I also saw the Antec Eleven Hundred for $75

I don't care too much about noise or size. What matters most is cooling and extra ports. Thanks!

On another note: I have a Radeon HD 6870 1GB. I wanted to upgrade my graphics.
Should I: Purchase another 6870 and crossfire or upgrade to a better card altogether
terry4536 said:
I have the Antec P280 case myself. It should meet your needs well.

Can you tell me why that one would be better than the other 2? Thanks!
Pick as the solution

It has the combination of excellent air flow for good cooling and sound dampening in the sides and front door. And it looks sharp, but not flashy which I like. It will accommodate just about any CPU cooler or GPU. And it is reasonably priced.

But it is your case, pick one that you will not get sick of in a few months.
A CPU cooler like the one you linked are intended to replace the rear exhaust fan. Therefore literally any case with a rear 120mm fan port will work (basically). Any of the cases you mentioned will work. If your main interest is cooling then the Antec 1100 is your best bet. I would recommend a single upgraded graphics card..

Antec Eleven Hundred V2 Black Computer Case

Damn I just realized the deal ended for that case. What about the other cases? Or another case in that price range that might be better. Meaning a case around 60 to 90 bucks.
Corsair 750D:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

Case: Corsair 750D ATX Full Tower Case ($129.99 @ Micro Center)
Total: $129.99
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-05-11 22:36 EDT-0400)


The 750D is really really nice - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLFXMuCX0Aw

A $50 case without rebates or anything - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0066130AO/?tag=pcpapi-20

Corsair Carbide Series 300R Black Steel / Plastic ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - $50 after instant coupon and rebate. There seems to be shipping cost on it though.

http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1723741 - place where it is cheap

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCc2IC7Icug - video on it

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811139011 - place for specs
So, After using bit-tech.net to do some research on cases, I came upon the Thermaltake Overseer RX-I, Corsair Carbide 500R and the NZXT Phantom. The Phantom seems to have the best cooling.
I am leaning towards the Thermaltake or Phantom due to the best price out of the three as well as remarkable cooling capability.

NZXT Phantom([strike]$120[/strike]) ($100)

Thermaltake RX-I ($85)

Corsair 500R ($100)




terry4536 said:
I have the Antec P280 case myself. It should meet your needs well.

Can you tell me why that one would be better than the other 2? Thanks!
Pick as the solution

It has the combination of excellent air flow for good cooling and sound dampening in the sides and front door. And it looks sharp, but not flashy which I like. It will accommodate just about any CPU cooler or GPU. And it is reasonably priced.

But it is your case, pick one that you will not get sick of in a few months.

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