Which combination would be better for gaming


May 13, 2016
I'm choosing between two laptops within my price range and these are the specs:

Laptop 1: i7-4700HQ + GT 940MX 2GB + 4GB DDR4

Laptop 2: i5-4210H + GTX 850M 4GB + 4GB DDR3

The graphics card in the second laptop seems to be a lot better than the 940MX in memory/performance aspects according to the specs, but the i5 it's paired with is only dual core (w/ HT). DDR3/4 is irrelevant to me and I plan on upgrading to 8GB immediately.
Its february 2017 and there are 7th gen CPUs now.
The above mentioned ones are 4th gen
If i only had those two choices , i would choose the first one.
Better processor, DDR4 support, Latest GPU(Comparitively).

Due to where I live and the lack of options and poor online avaliability, these are my only options. The others are i7 U versions with x20m graphics. The reason I'm concerned with the first one is because the GTX 850m performs 35%+ better than the 940mx. The 940mx also has a 64-bit memory bus compared to 128-bit in the gtx 850m, despite it using a quad core vs a dual core. If the second had a quad core I would definitely have chosen that. Will there be a massive difference in gaming performance between the i5 and i7 compared to the 940mx vs 850m?