Which component to upgrade first


Jun 13, 2009
I have a chance to upgrade one of the following components so i was wondering what should i upgrade first:
- i3-2100 to i5-2xxx or i5-3xxx
- amd 6670 to nvidia gtx 750ti
- 8gb ram to 16gb

My specs are:
cpu: Intel core i3-2100 3.1ghz 3m cache
mobo: Asrock h61m-hvs
ram: 2x 4GB ddr3 1600 mhz cl10 kingston hyperx fury blue hx316c10f/4
gpu: msi radeon hd 6670 1GB ddr3 R6670-MD1GD3
hdd: 1TB seagate 7200rpm 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s st1000dm003
psu: cooler master elite 400w rs-400-psar-j3
case: cooler master elite 335
monitor: lg flatron w1941s 1360x768

Thanks for any suggestions.
The 750ti only uses 15-20w more than a 6670 - your PSU will support it OK.

Its not a good quality PSU in all honesty at all but your system with a 750ti will barely touch 170w at the max.

The 750ti is not a great card nowadays but at the resolution you're running it'll still perform fairly well.

Again thank you very much for the fast reply. Thank you for the suggestion. I'd prefer the gpu upgrade but if my psu can't support the 750ti then i'll upgrade the cpu to i5.


Thank you for the reply. Do you think my psu can handle the gtx 750ti ? if not then i'll upgrade to an i5.
The 750ti only uses 15-20w more than a 6670 - your PSU will support it OK.

Its not a good quality PSU in all honesty at all but your system with a 750ti will barely touch 170w at the max.

The 750ti is not a great card nowadays but at the resolution you're running it'll still perform fairly well.

Some GTX 750Ti cards do not require a PCIe 6-pin power connector. Those models, usually not overclocked, will run as-is with your current PSU.

If you switch to a card with a 6-pin connector then your PSU might need to be upgraded.

I recently purchased a GTX 950 card which does not use a 6-pin cable and is much better than the 750Ti. So if you have the extra money, this is another possibility.


Thank you very much. I think i'll go with your suggestion. By the way I game at 720p usually between low-med settings and I know that 750ti is considered an entry level gaming card but I think it will do by me.
Thank you very much.

Thanks for the suggestion. It's very difficult to find a used gtx 950 in my country and a new one will be out of my upgrade budget. But thanks anyway.
The 750ti will likely perform better on high settings than you're used to at low
That's an absolute certainty if your 6670 is a ddr3 model.
That psu will manage a 6 pin card with no bother at all IMO so your choice of actual card model is fairly unlimited.


Thanks man. What i do like most about games is not graphics but the story and the gameplay. That's why playing at low settings doesn't bother me at all. The only thing that bothers me is low fps which makes games not enjoyable. Other than that I'm always happy with a budget set :)