Which components are "safe" to reuse


Nov 13, 2009
I'm looking at a new build in the next few months
(uk based - so budget is tricky to translate but quite a decent gaming PC - having looked at a few build threads probably about $1500 if i bought everything new - SSD etc etc)

However I have an Antec P182 with a good 550w corsair modular PSU in, i've had it since 2008 and its seen some decent use (has a Core2 Duo E8400 + Nvidia 8800 GT)

Would you suggest always buying a new PSU for a new rig or is it ok to reuse them? do they have a lifespan?

found the details of the PSU:
"Corsair HX Series 520W Modular PSU"
Have a technician locally remove the cover off of your power supply, clean/blow it out completely, and look for "excessive heat stress" on the board/components and "blown Capacitors"...

If there is ANY evidence of that I would buy a new PS
Have a technician locally remove the cover off of your power supply, clean/blow it out completely, and look for "excessive heat stress" on the board/components and "blown Capacitors"...

If there is ANY evidence of that I would buy a new PS