I owned a ps4 for about 4-5 months and then sold it so I could get an i5 4460 which was so worth it.
The only game I enjoyed/played the most was Battlefield 4 really and maybe a bit of plants vs zombies. In the end I had had enough of 30fps games as other than the two game I played the most the others were all 30fps (And Sony were like we are going to have 60fps only on are console... yeee right)
I now run a i5 4460 with a GTX 970 which can play Farcry 4, Mad Max, Phantom Pain, Killing Floor 2 all near max at 60fps 1080p.
You can easily buy a decent desktop for the price you could pay for a console, that or upgrade your CPU/GPU. Also the games on pc are way cheaper and updated way more often.
Oh ye and consoles have subscription... so I hope you will enjoy giving Sony or microsoft more and more of your money.
Just save your cash and get a personal computer, if you like controllers just plug one into the pc..