which Corsair RAM is better C14 /C15 /C16


Oct 26, 2016
I'm intending to buy a new PC, i've shortlisted 3 RAMs, I'm really confused seething the SPD , Tested Latency, C14/C15/C16 .
Can someone explain me or lissustrate me which one is better ?
Column Access Strobe (CAS) latency, or CL, is the delay time between the moment a memory controller tells the memory module to access a particular memory column on a RAM module, and the moment the data from the given array location is available on the module's output pins.
In asynchronous DRAM, the interval is specified in nanoseconds (absolute time). In synchronous DRAM, the interval is specified in clock cycles. Because the latency is dependent upon a number of clock ticks instead of absolute time, the actual time for an SDRAM module to respond to a CAS event might vary between uses of the same module if the clock rate differs.

and a documents that speaks how Cl isn't a great "way to check performance"...
Column Access Strobe (CAS) latency, or CL, is the delay time between the moment a memory controller tells the memory module to access a particular memory column on a RAM module, and the moment the data from the given array location is available on the module's output pins.
In asynchronous DRAM, the interval is specified in nanoseconds (absolute time). In synchronous DRAM, the interval is specified in clock cycles. Because the latency is dependent upon a number of clock ticks instead of absolute time, the actual time for an SDRAM module to respond to a CAS event might vary between uses of the same module if the clock rate differs.

and a documents that speaks how Cl isn't a great "way to check performance"

Thanks a lot, which one should I take ? 3200MHz one ? or 2400MHz one ? 2400MHz one has less latency , should I go for It ?


Generally, a single stick of RAM is preferred and you will populate only one slot - you can always add more later if you choose to do so. 2400 MHz is plenty of speed.

Two sticks have dual channel, which ends up in double bandwidth (better performance)
To know which one to choose I recommend you to divide CL / frequency, the lower the better.


Since CL means clock cycles delay in accessing to a column, it is dependant on the frequency. To get the time in absolute values (seconds) you have to divide CL / Frequency. The lower the latency in seconds is, the faster your memory will be, since CL is the most important latency in the RAM. If you have the same number, then go for the higher frequency one.

In this case:
16/3200 = 0.005
14/2400 = 0.005833333
15/3000 = 0.005

So go for the first one, 3200MHz and CL16 if you can later configure your setup to work in optimal way
I don't have enough money to buy 16GB , please tell me Sir, should I go for the 2400Mhz (2 stick) memory as I can see it has less latency , or should I go for the 3200MHz one (single stick) ?

Dual Stick is preferable to a single stick as it uses more bandwidth to work. As for 3200mhz versus 2133mhz, I would say first check what your motherboard can handle as all motherboards are not create equal.
if 3200 is a choice, and affordable get that, if your budget minded an 1 millionth of a sec is not all that important,. then 2133 will do fine. personally I prefer 2133 or 2400. for both reasons. money and importance.

Sir, 2400MHz one is 56$
3200MHz one is 63$.
So I am considering the 3200MHz one, otherwise i I wouldn't have thought . I chosen Motherboard is Gigabyte Z270 Gaming K5


Thanks Sir.
3200MHz will cost only 6.5$ more here. I have chosen GIgabyte Z270 Gaming K5. Will It support ? Is there any performance chart where I can see differences ?